What is the Geo Web?

The Geo Web is creating public consensus for geospatial augmented reality--bringing the open web to the physical world. 

The Geo Web network is based on a set of open protocols & fair property rights that coordinate browsing digital media anchored to physical locations.

It creates a credibly neutral application platform for the next generation of smart devices (i.e. AR glasses).

The Geo Web will bring digital media, gaming, data, commerce, and NFTs into the physical world as shared experiences rather than siloed applications. 

Why the Geo Web?

Large portions of our lives are shaped by our smart devices. This will only compound with the adoption of augmented reality glasses and other always-on wearables/embeddables. The foundations of our lived reality shouldn’t be defined by arbitrary app store rules and the subversive, never-ending drive for corporate profit growth.

We’re building the Geo Web because the metaverse should be based on permissionless, public internet infrastructure. It should be an extension of the ethos/design of the internet, the early web, and Ethereum.

The Geo Web is divided into digital land parcel NFTs which map 1:1 to the physical world. The market for digital land is administered under a partial common ownership (aka Harberger tax) system. Digital content can be anchored to the land utilizing our p2p content layer (Ceramic, IPFS, & Filecoin).

The Geo Web is a fair, efficient, and legitimate way to bootstrap and scale the metaverse across our shared planet. 

We can create compounding network utility and value by reinvesting 100% of land market proceeds into rewarding open-source developers, creatives, advocates, users, and public goods. The Geo Web is a choice for positive-sum coordination over fixed-mindset tradition.


  • Discord - https://discord.gg/sbqWRGhb

  • Cadastre - https://geoweb.land/

  • Spatial Browser - https://geoweb.app/

  • Website - https://geoweb.network/

  • Github - https://github.com/Geo-Web-Project

  • Docs - https://docs.geoweb.network/

  • Twitter - https://twitter.com/thegeoweb

  • Newsletter Signup - https://bit.ly/geowebsignup

  • Blog - https://geoweb.network/blog

Subscribe to Geo Web

An open geospatial information network. We write over here now: https://www.geoweb.network/blog

